
The Interview —

Chriselle Lim, Stylist & Digital Infuencer

Stylist & Digital Infuencer

Stylist and Digital Influencer, Chriselle Lim has been creating quite a stir in the fashion industry. Starting off her fashion career as a wardrobe stylist, she logged in years of editorial shoots with prominent fashion books and celebrities. In December 2011, Chriselle founded The Chriselle Factor to chronicle her daily musings and personal style. She also launched her YouTube channel to empower and inspire women all over the world. She helps them discover their true beauty and gives them the confidence they need to feel beautiful. Within a short period, 482k people have subscribed to her YouTube channel. With over 33.5 million views, Chriselle is the #1 Fashion Expert on all of YouTube. Follow Chriselle on Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram.

May 14, 2015

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What do you love most about your work?


I love that I’m able to be creative every day. I’m always trying to think of new, innovative, and inspiring content for both our readers and viewers. My team and I are always trying to better ourselves every single time, which challenges us to step out of our comfort zone and try something new every day.


One piece of advice you would give your 18 year old self:


Not to be so self-conscious about myself. I grew up in a town where my sister and I were the only Asians, and I always felt like I needed to “fit in.” I was extremely self-conscious about my looks, height, and how others perceived me.

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On Sunday, we’ll find you wearing:


My work out clothes! Sunday is usually my “off day” so i’m usually working out or going on a walk with my family by the beach.


The trend you hope never goes out of style:


The sneaker trend. Although I love my heels, I am all about comfort as well. I love a good pair of casual sneakers paired with a girly dress.


Skincare product you can’t live without:


My Clarsonic brush and my Korean face masks that I use every day! Skin is one of my biggest obsessions, and I spend a lot of time taking care of it.

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Your last great read:


What To Expect The First Year. This book really mentally prepared me to become a mom. It’s incredibly practical and useful and I would recommend it to anyone who is expecting.


Your go-to power outfit:


High-waisted wide leg pants with a pair of killer stilettos!


The beauty product found in your bag at all times:



A charity you support:


Every Mother Counts. EMC is an organization that is dedicated to making childbirth and pregnancy safe for every mother.


Your (real life) hero and why:


My mother. She sacrificed her whole life just to give my sister and me the best lives. She is a woman of class, and is probably the most selfless and humble human being I know.

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