
The Interview —

Gillian Munson, Chief Financial Officer, XO Group

Chief Financial Officer, XO Group

Gillian Munson joined XO Group—a media company well known for their flagship brand, The Knot, the authority on all things weddings—in November 2013. Prior to that, she was a Managing Director at Allen & Company LLC leading the firm’s investing and outreach activities with early stage technology-oriented companies. In her previous role at Symbol Technologies, Gillian aided in the company’s multi-billion dollar turnaround and integration with Motorola. She also served as an Executive Director and Senior Analyst at Morgan Stanley, where she covered the mobile, storage and personal computing sectors. 

March 31, 2015

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Your most regrettable style phase:


Regrettably, there was a phase with some big-shouldered jackets. My friend, Sarah, removed most of them from my home when she was dog sitting for me a few years back – they have never been seen again. 


Favorite Instagram account to follow:


My favorite Instagram account is @TheKnot – of course! Closely followed by @TheBump, @TheNest, and @XOGroupInc.

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What do you love most about your work?


The people. We have an awesome team at XO Group – super talented, creative and smart. I also love the constant drumbeat of interesting business challenges to solve.


One piece of advice you would give your 18 year old self:


Worrying is a waste of time and energy.


Skincare product you can’t live without:


Anything Chanel. I wore it on my wedding day, and I’ve never stopped wearing it since.

Chanel Sublimage La Crème

Chanel Sublimage La Crème

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The beauty product found in your bag at all times:


Believe it or not, my best fashion and beauty product lives in my iPhone’s dropbox. Before I started this job, I worked with this wonderful stylist, Sarah Shirley. Using items I already had, she photographed me in a myriad of wardrobe combinations creating all sorts of outfits I never thought I had. When I am tired, I go to my dropbox and pick out something she matched up for me – sort of like Garanimals for adults.


Your greatest achievement:


My daughter Tegan. She is the bomb!


Your favorite restaurant for brunch and your go-to order:


Café Lalo on West 83rd Street – their steamed eggs are wonderful.


Where does your credit card get the most use?


Yikes. I just checked my American Express account online – “merchandise” came up as the category where I spend most of my money. And the #1 store in 2014 for me? Vince!


The trend you hope never goes out of style:


May the ever-so-forgiving trend of big shirts with skinny pants never go out of style!!  

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